
On September 21, 2020 the PKN-CEN / TS 54-14: 2020-09 Technical Specification was published in the English version, operating in Europe as the CEN / TS 54-14: 2018 Technical Specification.

PKN-CEN / TS 54-14: 2020-09 ire detection and fire alarm systems – Part 14: Guidelines for planning, design, installation, commissioning, use and maintenance, hereinafter referred to as the specification, introduces changes to the current PKN-CEN / TS 54-14: 2006 standard.

The main changes in the specification concern:

  • design radius of fire detectors,
  • maximum assembly height of detectors,
  • sound intensity level of acoustic sirens,
  • influence of ventilation on the distribution of fire detectors,
  • protection of empty space due to fire load,
  • planning the deployment of flame detectors,
  • division into supervision zones.


Changes in the Technical Specification of PKN-CEN / TS 54-14: 2020-09 concern the rules for the distribution of fire detectors and their instal height. In the case of smoke detectors, the detection radius of 7.5 m to 6.2 m was reduced and the maximum distance between detectors amounting to 8.8 m and a maximum distance from the wall or an obstacle of 4.4 m were determined.

In the case of heat detectors, the detection radius from 5 m to 4.5 m has been reduced and the maximum distance between detectors amounting to 6.4 m and a maximum distance from a wall or an obstacle of 3.2 m were determined.

This update increases the number of fire detectors that should be used in the room.

The detector’s assembly distance below the ceiling from 5% to 10% resulting from the existence of a cold air-layer has changed.

Another change to spot smoke detectors is the height of mounting from increased from 11 m to 12 m and even to 16M in special cases of flame fires.

In the case of linear smoke detectors, similarly as in point smoke detectors, the radius of the detection beam from 7.5 m to 6.2 m decreased, which means a change in the width of the dispensed space from 15 m to 12.4 m. On the other hand, the amount of installation from 25 m to 45 m increased when test fires carry out a positive effect.

Audible Alarms

Another change in the Technical Specification PKN-CEN / TS 54-14: 2020-09 is the minimum level of the sound intensity of audible alarms. In order for a fire alarm to be effectively broadcast in the building, acoustic signaling devices must be clearly heard and louder louder than the acoustic background. According to an old standard, if a building in which the fire broke out, there is a sound lasting longer than 30 seconds, the signaling devices had to spend a sound warning by 5 dB (a) higher than the surrounding sound. In the new version of EN 54-14, this value has been updated to 10dB (A).

In addition, according to the old version of the standards, alarm not exceed the limit of sound pressure of 120 dB (A) in any place where there are people in the new standard value was reduced to 118 dB (A).